Recently I had a fun packed morning/afternoon with my mate Crazy J
having coffee
and shopping.
We had a super time
she more the retail type
and me charity shopping
and at times our usual style of shopping crossed over.
(She secretly LOVES charity shopping).
Yes retail is there
and I do partake
but more than that I just like to soak in the trends
and my obsession with shop windows.
Window dressing
is my passion.
I guess it is like looking into a magical tropical goldfish bowl
well .....
not quite when you are looking in he window of a sports shop
but you catch my drift.
I have to say that the one window that had me ooooohing and aaaaahing on the high street
was Accessorize.
Colour heaven
and a palette that I have brought back with me in my tiny mind
for my home, wardrobe and work.
Summer IS here ..... nearly
♥ dommie ♥ . .
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