I truly love being at my Nan's
she makes me feel that I am 'Home'
I feel safe, understood and tucked up in a bubble of love
It has been a tricky few weeks
getting my Nan back on her feet (literally)
after her hip operation
she is utterly remarkable
and has been going out every day for her walk
even in the snow (naughty Audrey ha ha !!!!!)
She is the most resiliant lady I know
stubborn yes, bonkers yes and my rock - we have always been utterly close and I adore her

Whilst at Nan's I took some photos of photos that make me smile
This collection shows my Nan and Grandad with their new born twinny girls
How LUSH is this photo !!!!! I love it so much
Also you can see my mum and aunty in their youth and teens
my cousin tally
and a cute pic of me with my Great Grandma - Nanny Nelly
I love the way that everyone is linked by family and love
and I see so many characteristics in people that flow through the generations

This twinny pic of my mum and aunty is one of my favourites
Alot of people cannot tell them apart
but I instantly know which little lady is my mum (on the right hand side)
Such happy memories
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