Migraine ?
eh ?
What is that ?
Yup - that is what I thought - pesky head hurting nuisance
My first EVER !!!!! and a sign I think to slooooow down
Being Creative
Having a million ideas a day
sometimes I TOTALLY burn the candle at both ends
and like a wind up toy ..... I STOP
I guess it comes with ADORING my work/life
with sunglasses on the other day - a tapping head and icky tummy
I did think of all the things I need to turn up in my life
to balance my mind and body
Enjoy my haven
At this very moment I have fairy lights on - all over my home - and it is just dusk outside
It feels magical and my very own cosy nest
right here
right now
Spend more time
reading things made of paper - yup - basic and perfect
I dread to think that computer screens set off said migraine
I conveniently ignore that fact this time
just in case - tearing myself away from my beloved screens
I aim to sit quietly and read more books
(my magazine quota is off the scale and I will continue to enjoy them thoroughly too)
Laugh even more than I do
never act my age (which is alot)
and never take myself too seriously
Just look at my cousin's little poppet
Her bed head made me laugh so much
and this picture is so adorable ..... it is as if she knows she looks funny
I LOVE IT !!!!!
Eat Well
Eat Badly
Yes - Everything in moderation
75% good - 25% baaaaad !!!!!
Keep my to do list by my side
There is so much awesome stuff right now
that trying to remember what I need at the supermarket
just gets in the way - and without my to do list
I simply forget about five things
Yes it is true - a to do list for the mundane
really does free up space for the sublime
When I get home ..... sometimes .....
do not work/continue to work .....
pop the kettle on
put my feet up
and take five
technology free - just for a weeeee while
Know when to stop
He He He
I could list so many things here
and my drive means that I will on and on and on
with my new balance
I know I have tumps of other things to do this evening
before bed
Have a beautiful one
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