so complex, unique and amazing
my own therapy, of creative sharing and posting of thoughts
I guess, until now I have blogged the fluffy parts of my life
which have been fun
is that really life ? is that really me ?
Is it better to be honest
and chat about my day, even when it is SHITE ?
that feels more real to me
So ..... here goes .....
This week has been SHITE with a capital S
My car - is in the car park in the sky
Well ..... actually it is sitting in a car park until I can buy a brand new van
and get my old 'faithful' banger towed away
Frustrating ? - Yes - the end of the world ? No
There are other things that do not seem to go right
My search for Mr Right ?
I try and fail - but is there such a thing ? Such a person ?
but hey - that is not the end of the world
when you set out on your day
and a close friend tells you that there father has passed away ?
It makes me feel silly
for thinking that my problems are so big and now realising that they
are just NOT that big and not that significant
I dedicate this post to
who has showed me such amazing friendship, knowledge and love
and now
at a time that I feel to helpless to help him, his family and breaking heart
I feel selfish that the biggest thing I take at the moment is that
Oh my
my problems just are not that big !!!!!!
If I could do anything
I would mend his heart
make him strong
and not allow him to realise the loss that he is feeling now
Time is a healer but it takes time to hurt and be strong again
is the secret to realise that we are not strong most of the time ?
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