Christmas .... such a busy time before
fun during
and relaxed after
It was a great few days ..... and now - at this time - nearly as loved
as the world slumbers
with scrumminess in their tummy - a little too much booze - fuzzy heads
I have so many exciting thoughts for the new year
My Nancy Megan books
are being written
but I have a little bit of a hurdle ..... Creating MY Nancy Megan
( I ADORE this illustration )
as my little/big sister HATES tomatoes
I MUST send this to her
..... she will chuckle
As I have not illustrated for such a long time
and am SUCH a busy bee
I have found it a challenge to draw
I have been looking at illustrations for inspiration
and it has been SUCH a joy
There are so many styles out there
so many Children's books
so many talents
My Nancy Megan
THE REAL Nancy Megan
is oh so pretty
and adorably sometimes a little scruffy sometimes as neat and tidy as can be
The last time I saw her
she had the cutest little bow on top of her head
that later was half hanging out of her hair
THE biggest saucer eyes
and a cheeky face ..... adorable he he he
We played for what seemed like forever with tissues
hiding behind them
and chuckling when one of us would appear
It was such fun
and something I will capture in my books
When I was behind the tissue
she believed I HAD disappeared
Something we forget as adults
that little ones have such imagination
and do not see things as literally as we do - oh what it is to enjoy that again
So onto a day of cosy
It is rather yucky outside
and sitting here
with a monster of a bed head
and listening to Paloma Faith
Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful? ..... LOVE !!!!!
and yes I am
singing along ..... badly
and now
STARSTRUKK featuring Katy Perry
A bit of a difference
This song is a bit of a jumble
but I am addicted to it
I am in great need of some exercise
but not with this bed head
I think I must tame the mane before I say hello to the world
and then home
to organise my world
which strangely is rather tidy
but I do love a good old clean and tidy up
♥ dommie ♥
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