As I sit here, cosy in my nest and finding that I am still wide awake in the early hours I thought that I would have an internet browse before teeth brushing and bed.
And wow !!!!! it suddenly hit me like a bolt of twinkly sparkly lightening.
OK ..... long story short.
Many moons ago (well over ten years ..... eeeeek ..... enough said) after graduating from Brighton University I set about gaining some work experience. Armed with my portfolio and the lusheous indulgence of not really needed to search for a full time job for a little while, I took many trips up to London to search for a place to gain priceless experience.
The advertising agencies were appealing, but there was one partnership that I had admired for so long who were fashion based and although this was not the path I was going to take, I admired their work soooo much that I go in touch with a hope of gaining a work placement.
So ..... lucky little and much younger me was taken under the wings of the creative genius and collaboration of Carolyn Corben and Harvey Bertram-Brown who are beautifully named The New Renaissance

Words cannot describe their unique and iconic style and I adored every moment I spent there. I remember helping to make a dress that was an upside down bunch of flowers, skirts out of fake hair with huge Japanese faces and three dresses that were made of collaged pieces of paper that when the three models walked down the catwalk ..... they made a huge picture of the Taj Mahal ..... see what I mean ..... genius. That is just a fraction of what we did and also being in the studio was enough, looking at old creations, sketch books and absorbing the creative environment.
I did not realise until now just how much impact they had made on my creativity and when I look at the work that I am loving to design and create I can see the influence of these artists now pouring through.
My path did take me from this work experience to advertising, marketing working on creative rationales and graphic design. I adore that side of my work but I have now found such and amazing balance in my life of work that is also simply based on the aesthetics with no firm reasoning in the form of my jewellery ..... the end result of creative indulgence.
I find that through my work my brain now works on two different levels (graphics and products) and hence why it is so happy.
I would never like to stop any part of what I do and like I have said before from spending so many joyous hours cutting sticking gluing and sketching as a little girl ..... I may be many years older but that wide eyed curly haired cheeky girl is still sitting right here in the happiest place.

I wish you all sweet dreams
dommie ♥
[email protected]
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